Avisos legales

Website editor


A Simplified Joint Stock company with a capital of €31 920 000. Its head office is located at 67 rue de Luxembourg 59777, Lille.

It is registered in the Lille Metropole Trade and Companies Register under number 890 906 175.

E-mail : [email protected]

Director of the publication

Mr. Rami SALEM

Host of the website

Google Ireland Limited

Headquartered at Gordon House, Barrow Street - Dublin 4 - Ireland

Website: cloud.google.com

Intellectual property

The website , accessible via the web-address purse.eu , is covered by intellectual property rights.

Therefore, any representation, reproduction, and/or exploitation, total or partial, of the website, including its content, pages, texts, and images, is prohibited, except with the prior written consent of the website editor.

Similarly, the creation of deep hypertext links to the website purse.eu is prohibited without the prior written consent of the website publisher.

Failure to comply with these prohibitions may constitute an act of infringement and/or unfair competition.

Links to third-party websites

The purse.eu website may contain hyperlinks to the websites of third-party companies whose content may be of interest to the Internet user. It is hereby specified that PURSE cannot be held responsible for the content disseminated on the websites of these third-party companies, and in particular for the accuracy of the information accessible there.


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