
Simplify your payments with GoCardless! Collect automated recurring payments or one-time payments. No stimulus, no stress, or high costs.


Partner presentation

GoCardless is a global bank payment company. We help more than 85,000 businesses, from start-ups to large accounts, to collect recurring and punctual payments without them having to chase after them, without stress and without high costs.

Each year, GoCardless processes over $35 billion in payments in over 30 countries.

Our acquisition of Nordigen means that we also enable businesses to make faster and more informed decisions through easy access to bank account data.

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The major advantages of the solution

Reduce your payment terms

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Collect foreign currency payments in more than 30 countries with a single account

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Save time and reduce costs by automating your processes

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The benefits of connecting with Purse


Collect payments without changing the interface


Aggregate reliable data through certified integration


Monitor your actual payment terms


Select the appropriate payment method according to your criteria

Technical sheet


Markets covered (e.g. Europe): Europe, Denmark, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States

Payment currencies: EUR, DKK, SEK, SEK, CAD, CAD, CAD, AUD, NZD, GBP, USD



Means of payment

Accepted payment methods: Direct Debit and Open Banking (PIS)

Split payment


3DS Secure (IBP - Open Banking)

Fraud module (Protect+)

Management of unpaid invoices (Sucess+)

Recurring transactions

The private wallet offers customers the possibility to securely store all their personal payment cards, allowing them to pay for their purchases easily.


The private wallet offers customers the possibility to securely store all their personal payment cards, allowing them to pay for their purchases easily.

Private wallet

The private wallet offers customers the possibility to securely store all their personal payment cards, allowing them to pay for their purchases easily.

Private wallet

The private wallet offers customers the possibility to securely store all their personal payment cards, allowing them to pay for their purchases easily.

Private wallet

The private wallet offers customers the possibility to securely store all their personal payment cards, allowing them to pay for their purchases easily.

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